Category Archives: Playhouse Building Tips

Plans To Build A Playhouse

Outdoor Playhouse
Outdoor Playhouse

If you are planning to build a playhouse for your kids, then there are steps that you have to take in order to be successful in constructing a playhouse. Texts below are steps that you have to work on for the success of the construction of the playhouse.

Obtain a good site

Obtaining a good site for you to build the playhouse is important to do because if the location where you build the structure is good, then you are assured that at the end of the construction you would feel gratified for placing the playhouse at the right location.

Start searching the perfect location for you to build the playhouse Continue reading Plans To Build A Playhouse

Free Blueprints To Build Children Playhouses

playhouse funThere are some free blueprint plans to build a children’s playhouse at the classic archives. 

There is a good article on “How to Build a Wooden Kids’ Swing Set” at HGTV .

More free plans can be found at free swing set plans for more fun. You could also use a shed plan with an added window for a more practical playhouse.

Your children are sure to enjoy themselves with a new play house.

Before you build,  be sure and check your local zoning restrictions and homeowner’s association guidelines to see if there are any rules or restrictions regarding the size or location of a backyard playhouse in area.


Excellent Plans And Playhouse Ideas

Playhouse ideas range from uncomplicated to very fancy and which playhouse blueprints you decide on will depend on multiple factors. Several years ago my wife sent away for a set of playhouse plans with the notion that I would build it for our daughter. When I opened the envelope Yikes! They were so complicated and expensive looking that I put them aside and took the family to Disneyland instead. Now my daughter is getting married and I often regret not building that playhouse, but here’s what I’ve figured out.

1) Give thought to what you would like to build. My wife purchased those plans with excellent intentions but without consulting me. They seemed way beyond my skill level and I never even started. So think – do you desire a straightforward shed like structure with windows? Or are you Continue reading Excellent Plans And Playhouse Ideas